

Management Studies Center
Affiliated with TMU
The National Management Studies Center, a subsidiary of TMU, was founded in 2012 in an attempt to answer the research needs, provide consultation and professional training to the senior managers of Tarbiat Modares University. This center which is a legal entity with its own special budget strives to solve basic managerial issues.
This centers main missions include: promoting and enhancing research and innovation levels, providing managerial consultation services, promoting and expanding strategic thinking, providing professional training to the managers throughout the country by making use of modern technologies, facilitating and leading academic interactions and collaborations among universities and scientific centers and other business bodies and organizations by creating networks at local, national and international levels.
A network consisting of management specialists and thinkers work in the National Management Studies Center. It helps interested organizations, foundations or business entities inside Iran or in the regional countries to identify the basic management issues and offers guidelines and other counseling services to them to tackle their problems.

  • Study and Consultation Department for Public and Private Management Sectors
  • Industrial Management Consultation & Studies Department
  • Managers Professional Training Department
  • Science and Technology Studies Department
  • Knowledge Management Consultation & Studies Department and Organizational Intelligence
  • Business Management Department
  • IT Management Consultation and Studies Department
  • Islamic Management Studies Department
  • Quality, Evaluation and Performance Management Department
  • Health Management Department
  • Information Technology Management Department
  • Social Capital Management Studies and Consultation Department
  • Knowledge Science Studies Department